Daily Thoughts To Think About

Finally, brothers, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellance, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Philippians 4:8

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Walk Worthy

Good Morning!

A couple of news articles grabbed my attention in Sunday’s AJC Metro section. The first was about Cobb County converting almost 1/7th of the funds it collected for street light maintenance to other uses in the General Fund. That’s no small amount, by the way, almost $6 million. When questioned about the misuse of funds, Cobb’s response was that the ordinance doesn’t say anything about not using the funds for another purpose. I don’t understand that statement – the county is collecting funds for a service but using it for other purposes???

The second article was about the partisan financial support given to Kasim Reed in what is supposed to be a nonpartisan election. The excuse there was that the other party did it too. Funny, my Mother would never let me get away with an excuse of “they did it first” or “they did it too”. Her response was “if they were to jump off a cliff would you do likewise”. I thought I would be smart one time and say “of course I would”. Mom never got mad often – but Lord help you if she did. Needless to say I never repeated my mistake.

You might ask what these two news articles are doing in a Good Morning. Well, these are just a couple of reminders that we are to walk worthy of the high calling of Christ Jesus. Our “yes” should mean “yes” and our “no” should mean “no”. People should be able to rely upon our word – not only because we are striving to be honest but because we represent Jesus Christ. It pains me to hear people call Christians hypocrites – and be right. No doubt we are human and are going to make mistakes in life – but if we are honest with ourselves and with our fellow man, we can be forgiven. It is when we choose to try to cover up that we cause the harm.

I wish there were better answers given by those officials. Funds designated for lights shouldn’t be spent on other things – because what happens when the lights need repairing and there are not funds. (More taxes…) And just because one party is less than honest does not justify the other party being dishonest as well. People deserve the truth. We bear the Truth – Jesus Christ. He lives in us and our lives reflect Him. So let us purpose to walk worthy of Christ today and every day.


Mr. Jim

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