Daily Thoughts To Think About

Finally, brothers, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellance, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Philippians 4:8

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"New Normal"

Good Morning! 

I am not a fan of the current phrase “the new normal”. The phrase begs the question of what is considered to be the “old normal”? What actions that were common before COVID-19 will be extinct as we live with this new virus? Do we no longer hug one another? Is the practice of the handshake gone forever? Shall we forever keep six to ten feet apart from one another? Will we live in fear of close human contact … fearing the transmission of some disease?

Now, please don’t misunderstand. I am not protesting the actions that have been taken to mitigate the spreading of the coronavirus. I am only pointing out that some of the commentary being distributed today doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.  We are living in a reactionary environment … the virus is very communicable; the virus is virulent in nature and appears to be more deadly that other strains of virus (the data regarding mortality is still not complete). Keep in mind that the common cold is a virus. But, in our reaction to what the virus appears to be, we have initiated some very draconian measures in our human attempt to prevent its spread.

What has happened to living by faith?

While I am not protesting common sense actions to thwart the spread of the coronavirus, I am wondering why we are living in fear. Look, for generations we have lived with diseases that are very communicable … some without any vaccination available. And, to be certain, some people who contracted one of those diseases have died from it … or some of its attendant effects. For example, common influenza can also, and often does, cause death. From a statistical standpoint, we know that so many Americans per thousand will come down with the flu and expire as a result. We know this … but we don’t shut down life because of it.  Now, I know the counter is that we have vaccines for the common flu. Do we? The truth is that we don’t have a single vaccine that is effective against all strains of influenza.  If we did, the coronavirus would fall into the category of one of those strains. The point is that, while I will allow the doctor to inoculate me each year, I cannot be absolutely sure that the vaccine will completely protect me against all strains of influenza.  In the old “normal”, I didn’t allow that to stop me from mingling with people; shaking their hands; giving them a hug; sitting next to them in choir; and so forth. If they had a runny nose, I didn’t don a mask or tell them to stay at home. I accepted the risk without worrying about those things. Note: IF I were to have a health condition that would make me more vulnerable, I would take the responsibility of protecting myself from such actions. I consider myself to be an adult that can make good decisions for myself and my health.

So, what are we to do? How about we trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding? Listen, information on the impact of the coronavirus is still being developed. We really won’t know the full impact for a good while. As we discover more about the virus and its effects, we can continue to utilize wise life choices. Maybe we wear a mask when in a close public setting … like church. And maybe we refrain from hugging and shaking hands for a period of time … but not forever.  We each make our own decisions about how we handle this … and be aware of our neighbors and their choices, without condemning them for their choice. 
Remember this one thing … God is still on His throne. Turn to Him for direction on how to respond to this “new” normal. Trust God to lead you … He will.


Mr. Jim

Prayer: Teach me, dear Father, to live in complete trust with You.  In Jesus’ Name … Amen.

Scripture for today: Proverbs 3:5

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