Daily Thoughts To Think About

Finally, brothers, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellance, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Philippians 4:8

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tax Day?

Good Morning!

In most years this would be “tax day”. For some reason, our Congress decided to delay the day of reckoning to Monday, April 18th. And, in most years, I would be waiting until today to file … and pay. But fortunately I didn’t owe additional taxes this year. I say that because there is a popular misconception that a person doesn’t pay taxes until he or she sends a check. Not so! The government gets the bulk of your tax dollars through payroll deduction and holds onto it until you file. If you have overpaid, the government has an interest free loan. If you have underpaid, and you fail to pay timely, the government applies an onerous interest rate. Somehow that just doesn’t seem fair.

Oh, well – you didn’t tune in here to get disturbed. Besides being tax day, this is another day that God has given us to rejoice in. As the Psalmist says:

Psalm 118:24 (King James Version)
24This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Actually there is a good bit more to that Psalm – but we will leave that for another day and study. I think it is just good to reflect on the positive things God has provided for us on this day. God provided me with a restful night – what a blessing to have good sleep. So many of my friends relate how poorly they sleep. God has given me a good rest.

I am excited about today. Just imagine what God can do with this day – and with me in this day. The same applies to you. To be certain there are some tasks that we are appointed to do: work, school, etc. But at the same time, there will be opportunities for us to share the blessings of the life God has given us. How blessed we are to see life not as drudgery but as a precious gift that will open itself to us day by day.

My prayer for you this morning is that your Friday will be the best Friday you have had all year. I pray that God will reveal Himself to you so that you can see the precious handiwork you are for Him. I pray that you will be provided an opportunity to be a blessing to someone around you. And I pray your heart will be filled with joy on this another good day given us by the Lord.

Have a great weekend.


Mr. Jim

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