Daily Thoughts To Think About

Finally, brothers, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellance, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Philippians 4:8

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

End of One Journey; Beginning of Another


Good Morning … and welcome home, Wes and Tamara Banks!!!

Wes and Tamara have returned from Romania after a long stint in that country, sharing the Gospel and setting up new churches. I am sure we will hear a witness of their work shortly – and I am really looking forward to that. Sadly, Wes and Tamara had to leave Romania before their work was done. The financial crisis that has enveloped the world is playing havoc to missionary programs of all denominations. Similarly, giving is down in many of our churches as many people are out of work and struggling to make ends meet. But God is able to work when it appears no work can be accomplished.

In our Sunday Bible study, we have been focusing on Paul’s second missionary journey. This past Sunday we discussed his visit to Thessalonica. He spent three weeks expounding on the Scripture surrounding the Messiah – and in the end, pointed the folks to Jesus Christ. And there were a number of people who were convicted and converted to Christ. But the ones who were not became jealous and stirred up an angry mob against Paul. It appears their ultimate goal was to toss Paul to that angry mob and who knows what would have happened. However, when they couldn’t find Paul, they grabbed his host, Jason, and hauled him up before the court, claiming that Paul was defying the law by proclaiming Jesus was King, instead of Caesar. I thought, as I read, how much of a parallel that is to today where leaders on both sides of issues attempt to gather support by misrepresenting the other side. The end result is chaos.

Paul continued on in his quest to bring the Gospel to the world in spite of the opposition. Christians today encounter similar opposition to the message of Christ. We must not slink away but must boldly stand for our Savior, trusting in His ability to overcome all.

So, welcome home, missionaries. May God speed you to another assignment soon. And may you have a good day today.


Mr. Jim
"Preach the Gospel everyday - and if you have to, use words" ... St. Francis of Assisi

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